
2 2024

Community Torah

2:00PM - 4:00PM  

Chabad Chai of South Tampa 2511 W Swann Ave
Tampa, FL

Contact Jane Brutas
813 922 1723

The Jewish people are compared to the letters of the Torah. In our tradition, no letter is more important than another. All the letters of our Holy Torah are interdependent, for without even one letter, the Torah remains incomplete. Similarly, each Jew remains linked with all other Jews, with all other people in an indissoluble chain.


Without labels, without differences, and regardless of background or affiliation, this Torah will connect us all to each other, one letter at a time, connecting each to a word, a sentence, a paragraph, a portion, a book, five books, and a Torah, connecting each of us as “One People”.


For the first time in Chabad Chai's history - Thanks to a dedication by Alvin & Terrill Hameroff - a Community Torah is being written for you, our community!


Link yourself by participating in the writing of this historic CommUnity Torah Scroll. Join us and inscribe a letter in honor of you or your family and/or in memory of your loved ones.


A new Torah scroll is a sign of a vibrant community – a healthy, robust, and flourishing community that is brimming with Jewish pride. At a time when the world is facing increased darkness, hatred, and hostility; here in Tampa, we are writing a new chapter in Jewish history - we hope you will be part of it!

RSVP: www.chabadchaicenter.com/CommunityTorah