d'Ettaquette's Book Morsels

(Click on the headline to read d'Ettaquette's Book Morsels.)

Operation Bethlehem - Yariv Inbar

If you can imagine a plot that hits the ground running with the Mossad and Shabak security agencies, then swings into a world of espionage with Fauda-style combat, you will be imagining the award-winning thriller Operation Bethlehem by former intelligence officer, author Yariv Inbar.

The Bridesman by Savyon Liebrecht

Settled in business class on a flight from L.A. to Israel, Micha, a successful 39-year-old ghostwriter, remains baffled by an all- expenses-paid invitation from his Aunt Adella. Micha hadn’t seen her in 24 years, though etched into his memory is the first time he met Adella, a candidate…

The City of Laughter by Temim Fruchter

City of Laughter, a new novel by Temim Fruchter, begins in Ropshitz, 1920, a shtetl where a badchan (a wedding jester) tries, in vain, to amuse the bride and groom as well as to entertain the guests. Nothing works. His jokes fall flat. Nobody laughs in Ropshitz. On one such glum day the…

Lech by Sara Lippmann

Lech A provocative work that hits you in the “kishkes” (guts) Lech, the debut novel by Sarah Lippmann, speaks with the voices of five sinister characters, all of whom exhibit the predatory nature of humanity. The title echoes the biblical imperative in Genesis “lech…

Time’s Echo

Current winner of the prestigious Sami Rohr Prize, Time’s Echo, is an extraordinary and (for me) an extraordinarily challenging book in which music critic author, Jeremy Eichler, analyzes music’s “ability to recall the past.” Music, Eichler posits, is a “carrier of memory," as…