Jewish Life & Learning


Jewish Life & Learning provides the community with Jewish connections to educational series, interactive programs and celebratory events.


Join us in celebration of Jewish holidays throughout the year. We also have informational resources and opportunities for you to connect with Israel.





Thank You

for Celebrating Yom Ha'Atzmaut with Us!


We had a fantastic time celebrating Israel's Independence Day with all of you! The sights, sounds, and flavors of Israel truly came alive thanks to your participation.


A special thank you goes out to:

  • Participants in the Teen Reels Short-Film Contest: Your films not only showcase the vibrancy and richness of Jewish culture but also serve as powerful tools for spreading awareness and understanding..
  • Our talented craft vendors: Your unique creations added a vibrant touch to the event.
  • The community organizations: Thank you for sharing your work and connecting with the community.
  • The amazing performance by The Shuk: You created a truly joyous event!
  • The dedicated volunteers: Your hard work ensured a smooth-running and enjoyable event for all.
  • And of course, to all the attendees! Your energy and enthusiasm made Yom Ha'Atzmaut truly special.


We look forward to celebrating with you again next year!




Connecting with Israel





     Watch the Western Wall in real-time - Click here






Consulate General of Israel to Florida, Kansas, Missouri & Puerto Rico - Click here


Florida-Israel Business Accelerator - Click here


Israeli American Council - Click here