
Support the 2024 Annual Campaign

Keep our community safe, strong and growing


The Israel Emergency Campaign

Help provide immediate assistance to victims of terror and their families


 Give Now 



  • Israel under attack

    Now, more than ever, it is critical that we come together and publicly display our love and support of Israel and the people who live there.

  • Yom Ha'Zikaron - Israel's Memorial Day

    Sunday, May 12 | 7:00 PM Join us for a ceremony to remember fallen Israel Defense Forces soldiers and victims of terror. Learn how you can submit a name of a loved one to be displayed at the event.

  • Happy birthday Israel!

    PJ Library invites you to a birthday party for Israel. Sunday, May 19, 10:30 - 12:00 PM at Shanna & Bryan Glazer JCC, FREE EVENT! Perfect for PJ Friends ages 6 and under. Registration required.

Thank you to our most generous corporate sponsors!



Local Beneficiary Agencies


To obtain copies of the Non-Profit State Fund Allocations for Renumeration and Non-Profit Total Compensation Paid Using State Funds forms please contact jared.resnick@jewishtampa.com.